
Australian news, and some related international items

Lithgow mayor SLAMS Peter Dutton’s plan for nuclear power plant in her town


A mayor whose town is rumoured to be earmarked for a nuclear power plant if Peter Dutton wins the next Federal Election, slammed that plan on Friday – despite some locals being in favour of it.

On Wednesday, Shadow Energy Minister Ted O’Brien did not deny that the central western NSW town of Lithgow was one of the sites where the Coalition plans to place a nuclear plant

But fired up Lithgow mayor Maree Statham has shut down speculation that her town could go nuclear if Mr Dutton becomes prime minister in an election to be held within a year. 

‘More than four decades ago, this council declared the city to be a nuclear free zone. This policy position remains in place,’ Ms Statham, an independent, said.

‘It is my intention to invite Peter Dutton to visit Lithgow and explain to this community why they should welcome a nuclear power plant in their backyard when no other community across Australia would do this.’

Ms Statham also pointed out that her district is also responsible for supplying water to Australia’s biggest city

‘I will suggest that he also then speak to the more than five million people in Sydney who drink water that is sourced from the catchment where he would like to place nuclear power plants,’ she said.

Another Lithgow councillor, Stephen Lesslie, told Daily Mail Australia that he opposes having a nuclear plant in the town because it would be ‘Expensive, unsafe (and there are) no waste solutions.’

But he said he does not expect much support from people in other parts of Australia for keeping Lithgow nuclear free. 

‘If this means that the power plant won’t go where they live then the rest of Australia probably won’t give a damn,’ Mr Lesslie said. 

Voters will pass judgment at a coming election in the next year on Mr Dutton’s vision for a nuclear Australia and Anthony Albanese’s government pursuing a renewable-led energy transition.

Until this week, the Coalition had been very coy about where it would put nuclear plants, but Mr O’Brien let the cat out of the bag by not denying a suggestion from radio host Ben Fordham that Lithgow was a prime target…………………………………………………………………………………………………

June 14, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , ,

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