
Australian news, and some related international items

Australia’s media on nuclear power – wading through the quagmire

First of all, I’d like to commend a top article, which analyses the political significance for Peter Dutton, of his extraordinary policy :

Patricia Karvelas: Peter Dutton’s nuclear energy plan breaks all the rules of policy making. Is it genius or career self-destruction?

More recent articles at

Below is a list of news articles. Now I have not here included the pro nuclear propaganda ones, nor the ravings of the very right-wing shock jocks of commercial radio – such as Melbourne’s 3AW. But you can find all that stuff on mainstream, mainly Murdoch media. The ABC is doing its best to stay afloat and actually give the facts. I am sure that those brave female TV and radio voices are now under quite vicious attack – Patricia Karvelas, Sarah Ferguson and Laura Tingle

I will try to keep this list up-to date – but that is going to be a daunting task –

 National politics    Dutton’s plan to nuke Australia’s renewable energy transition explained in full .        No costing, no clear timelines, no easy legal path: deep scepticism over Dutton’s nuclear plan is warranted  Nuclear plan is fiscal irresponsibility on an epic scale and rank political opportunism.   Dutton’s nuclear lights are out and no one’s home.   Peter Dutton launches highly personal attack on Anthony Albanese, calling him ‘a child in a man’s body’ while spruiking his new nuclear direction.   Peter Dutton vows to override state nuclear bans as he steps up attack on PM.  Peter Dutton is seated aloft the nuclear tiger, hoping not to get eaten.
Local politics. Nuclear thuggery: Coalition will not take no for an answer from local communities or site owners.      
Climate change  policy. Peter Dutton’s flimsy charade is first and foremost a gas plan not a nuclear power plan. Coalition’s climate and energy policy in disarray as opposition splits over nuclear and renewables. 
Economics  Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan could cost as much as $600bn and supply just 3.7% of Australia’s energy by 2050, experts say . The insane amount it could cost to turn Australia nuclear – as new detail in Peter Dutton’s bold plan is revealed.   Nuclear engineer dismisses Peter Dutton’s claim that small modular reactors could be commercially viable soon.       Wrong reaction: Coalition’s nuclear dream offers no clarity on technology, cost, timing, or wastes.  ‘Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan is an economic disaster that would leave Australians paying more for electrici.ty’.   Dutton’s nuclear thought bubble floats in a fantasy world of cheap infrastructure.  UK’s nuclear plant will cost nearly three times what was estimated.

Energy, Coalition won’t say how much nuclear power its plan will generate until after an election

Health Nuclear industry workers face significant, inevitable and unavoidable radiation health risks
Indigenous issues,  How a British nuclear testing program ‘forced poison’ onto Maralinga Traditional Owners.
Technology. Dutton’s plan to build nuclear plants on former coal sites not as easy as it seems  Over budget and plagued with delays: UK nuclear lessons for Australia.
Sabotaging renewables. There’s one real Coalition energy policy now: sabotaging renewables
SecrecyPort Augusta mayor and local MP kept in the dark about Liberal Coalition’s plant to site nuclear reactors there.      
Site locations for reactors.  Peter Dutton reveals seven sites for proposed nuclear power plants. Coalition set to announce long-awaited nuclear details.  
Safety.   Some of the Coalition’s proposed nuclear locations are near fault lines — is that a problem?
Spinbuster. It’s time to go nuclear on the Coalition’s stupidity. Ziggy Switkowski and another big nuclear back-flip .  Does the Coalition’s case for nuclear power stack up? We factcheck seven key claims.   A Coalition pie-in-the-sky nuclear nightmare.

  Gina Rinehart and co are not the slightest interested in nuclear power plants. Goal is just – dig baby dig – coal, gas, uranium – forever. They can just keep mining forever, and funding the Liberal Coalition’s pointless nuclear mirage. Nobody’s really interested in super-expensive nuclear power plants, big or small. But while Australia is conned into believing that this nuclear power plan is actually real, well – it’ll keep on being dig baby dig. As Helen Caldicott once suggested – if these grasping oligarchs could put a blanket around the sun and sell holes – then they’d be interested in solar power,

June 21, 2024 - Posted by | Christina reviews, media | , , , ,

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