
Australian news, and some related international items

Nuclear culture wars – especially in Australia

Australia IS special – the only continent that is one single political state. Although Australia is really very multicultural, its government and business are determinedly white English-speaking.

But the white anglophones who identify with the USA, Britain, and Canada – live far away from those “kindred spirits”. Nearest neighbours are yellow and brown people, who don’t even speak English!

So – Australia has the “cultural cringe” – aw gee we’re not as good as those other anglophones. Only at sport -and even there, we’re losing touch. We MUST become as good as them – TECHNOLOGICALLY. Oh I know – we’d better get Nuclear Power, instead of that girly stuff – renewable energy.

And I do mean “girly stuff”. Worldwide, it is a gender thing. Big strong men like nuclear power, weak uninformed women prefer energy conservation and renewable energy.

It really doesn’t matter which energy form is cheaper, more efficient, faster to implement, safer, cleaner …….. what is important is making Australia look important and technologically a leader, and also a strong opponent to China. We’re already a leader – in renewable energy – but that is sissy stuff, so it doesn’t count.

Now, there will need to be a grand propaganda campaign to get nuclear power into Australia. You see, we have compulsory voting here, which means that all those uniformed women will be voting. So it is going to be a big job to get nuclear into Australia. It will require all the skills of the Atlas Foundation, and its associated Think Tanks, to get the message across to the Australian public – including to wimpy-type men, as well as to women. But with the help of the Murdoch media, and social media – a good pro nuclear lobby should be up to it. Remember Australia’s referendum on an Aboriginal Voice to Parliament got defeated, with all that help last year.

June 23, 2024 - Posted by | Christina reviews

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