
Australian news, and some related international items

TODAY. Dominic Cummings the “evil gnome” who makes us think.

I am NOT a fan of Dominic Cummings, (described as the evil gnome on the shoulder of former British prime minister Boris Johnson)

He’s the one who scandalised Britain with bizarre ideas on Covid vaccination. He has harsh anti-immigration views, has promoted small nuclear reactors, and was largely responsible for Britain’s decision to leave the European Union.

And now, Dominic Cummings is starting a new political party – with a mixture of what seem to me to be some good ideas and some terrible ideas.

AND YET, AND YET ……. Cummings has something to give us.

He is an independent thinker. At a time when we desperately need independent thinking. We are stuck with world leaders rigidly sticking to their doctrines, no matter what. With political party leaders who have no aim except to fight the other side, no matter what. The media love this conflict-obsessed culture, the military-industrial-nuclear-complex is orgiastic about it.

Cummings has a great interest and knowledge of ancient and modern history, has lived in Russia, and speaks Russian, -he does bring to politics a different view from that of the usual business-oriented politicians . He certainly has had a chequered career, (to put it kindly!) in British politics, and has made lots of enemies on both the Right and the Left.

Who knows whether Dominic Cummings’ new “start-up” political party will become a reality?

I’m certainly not advocating for that party. But many of Cumming’s ideas and policies are developed from a deep understanding of European history. And that is refreshing. In the current Ukraine mess, very few leaders and journalists show any grasp of history.

Even if you hate Dominic Cummings, you would have to concede that he has brought a highly individual and independent view on politics and world affairs.

And that is a valuable gift and example for us – as against slavishly following political parties, and dogmas like the “rules based international order”.

May 15, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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