
Australian news, and some related international items

Dutton’s nuclear thought bubble floats in a fantasy world of cheap infrastructure

What is the Coalition’s track record when it comes to building big infrastructure projects? Truly shocking.


The response to Peter Dutton’s back-of-the-envelope announcement yesterday on seven proposed nuclear power sites — they hadn’t even googled to find out that the owner of the Port Augusta site has other plans for it — is occurring in a weird haze of amnesia about what’s going on with major infrastructure projects in Australia.

Analysis / Infrastructure

Dutton’s nuclear thought bubble floats in a fantasy world of cheap infrastructure

What is the Coalition’s track record when it comes to building big infrastructure projects? Truly shocking.


The response to Peter Dutton’s back-of-the-envelope announcement yesterday on seven proposed nuclear power sites — they hadn’t even googled to find out that the owner of the Port Augusta site has other plans for it — is occurring in a weird haze of amnesia about what’s going on with major infrastructure projects in Australia.

On the one hand, the corporate media gleefully reports news of major cost blowouts for big projects. On the other hand, being taken for granted is the Coalition’s ability to achieve an unprecedented project of a fleet of nuclear power stations, including two by 2035-37, without a truly shocking cost.Journalists who fail to interrogate Dutton’s nuclear dream should resignRead More

What’s the federal Coalition’s form on building major projects? Let’s take three from its last period in government……………………….. (Subscribers only)

June 20, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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