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Greens: Nuclear Royal Commission findings: It’s all about the dump!

Royal Commission bubble burst The tentative findings of the Royal Commission into the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, released this morning tell us what we already know, according to Greens SA Parliamentary Leader, Mark Parnell MLC.

As predicted when the Royal Commission was established – this process is all about softening South Australians up to be the World’s nuclear waste dump.

We’ve known for years that the uranium reprocessing market is “uncertain” and that there is “no opportunity for commercial development” [Royal Commission quotes]. We’ve also known for decades that nuclear power for SA is “not commercially viable … in the foreseeable future” [Royal Commission quotes].

“The outcome of the Royal Commission isn’t at all surprising.  The Greens knew that the most likely result of this process was to support South Australia becoming the World’s nuclear waste dump.

However, the Royal Commission’s tentative findings on the nuclear waste dump are based on dubious economics, heroic assumptions and a big dose of guess work.  The Commission has identified a problem that lasts hundreds of thousands of years and proposed a solution with income that lasts just a few decades, but with costs lasting virtually forever.  If anything goes wrong in the future – we’re on our own.

“The Greens are calling on the Weatherill Labor Government to protect our State’s reputation and not leave our descendants to deal with a toxic future as their legacy.

Previous State Labor Premier Mike Rann fought off a Liberal plan for a national nuclear waste dump in South Australia last decade.  The current proposals are far more sinister and dangerous because they involve South Australia taking the most dangerous radioactive waste on the planet.

South Australians will now need to ask themselves and their politicians: “Is this the best future that we can aspire to?”

February 15, 2016 - Posted by | NUCLEAR ROYAL COMMISSION 2016, politics, South Australia

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