
Australian news, and some related international items

TODAY. UK’s political omnishambles – a damper on the nuclear lobby

Oh dear, oh dear! What can UK PM Rishi Sunak be thinking of? Calling an election when his Conservative Party’s polling numbers are abysmal? And when the global nuclear lobby is boasting away about Britain’s splendid commitment to nuclear power!

Rishi is letting down his military-industrial-nuclear-media complex funders of the Tories.

But then, if this absolute basket-case of a UK government hangs on any longer – its credibility would no doubt go further down the toilet. A later election – even more of a Tory sensational disgusting morass. (Not that Rishi would care too much- would move on to a more lucrative job in private enterprise, as they all do)

Tory Energy secretary Claire Coutinho said:   : “We intend to take a final investment decision on Sizewell C nuclear before the end of this Parliament.”

Sizewell nuclear station is planned for Wylfa, in Wales – “the best site in Europe for a big nuclear project”. Only problem is – they can’t seem to get investors for this project, into which the government has already poured £2.5bn of the needed circa £20bn.

Of course UK Labour is supposedly committed to the nuclear folly. The UK already faces a likely £48 billion cost for Hinkley Point C nuclear station. So, on paper, a Labour government is supposed to somehow cough up the finance for both of these gargantuan money-guzzlers.

The Tory government’s mess has stimulated a new word “omnishambles”.

It is quite possible that the coming Labour (or hung) government might want to show a bit of fiscal sanity and move away from this financially suicidal nuclear power push.

May 25, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , ,

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