
Australian news, and some related international items

Matt Canavan and 8 Coalition Senators aim to overturn Australia’s ban on nuclear power

Bill introduced to remove nuclear energy ban in Australia

Small Caps, By Louis Allen, October 3, 2022 “………… nine coalition senators moved to introduce a Private Senators Bill, arguing nuclear power is one of the safest forms of energy and will play a vital role in achieving the nation’s emission targets moving forward.

Nationals senator Matt Canavan said the “mood is shifting” on nuclear energy,………………

Senator Canavan said the appetite for nuclear energy has grown since the government signed on to buy nuclear-powered submarines.

“People realised, given the geopolitical situation we faced, whatever hang-ups we had on nuclear energy, we needed them in our submarines,” he said.

Not everyone was in favour of the move – with federal energy minister Chris Bowen saying it was the most expensive form of power Australia could invest in.

Mr Bowen said industry groups suggested Australia would need about 80 nuclear plants to produce the electricity it needed.

“That is one (for) every second MP. Put your hand up if you would like one,” he said.

…………………….. Senator Canavan said Australia must … support nuclear energy as an energy means of the future. “The world is turning back to nuclear power and there are game changing developments in small modular reactor technology.”

“With the world’s largest uranium reserves, Australia cannot afford to be left out of global nuclear progress,” he said.

Coalition senator David Fawcett has backed senator Canavan’s claims, saying he believed nuclear power was the best option for the long term…………………..

Senator Jacinta Price said Australia needs to fully support nuclear power to achieve its ambitious emission goals and targets.

“If we truly as a nation want the cleanest and most reliable energy source there is available, then nuclear power is the logical option,” she said.

October 3, 2022 - Posted by | AUSTRALIA - NATIONAL, politics

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