
Australian news, and some related international items

Another nuclear/climate worrying week – Australia and beyond

Matavai Pacific Cultural Arts activist holds a sign asking Pacific governments to “Vote YES for Climate Justice” as the Vanuatu Government and civil society organisations seek an advisory opinion at the International Court of Justice. Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Pacific Island Students Fighting Climate Change (PISFCC) and the Pacific Island Climate Action Network (PICAN) were joined by 40 climate activists for two days of mobilisation training in Suva, Fiji. The training was held in the lead up to the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) in Fiji, where activists will call on PIF leaders to endorse an advisory opinion on climate change from the International Court of Justice.

Some bits of good news – UN declares healthy environment a human right.  – and other good developments – collated by Greenpeace.   World’s Largest Container Line is Rerouting its Fleet to Avoid Collisions with Endangered Blue Whales..  Patagonia company Gives Away Its Entire $3 Billion Worth to fight climate change  .  Climate.   The world in denial about the climate crisis.Tipping Point Hell Approaches.

Coronavirus. The pandemic has gone away – yeah, right! – 

 Health leaders urge vaccination and return to mask-wearing as hospitalisations rise by 37 per cent in a week.

Nuclear. I got distracted from  this main subject this week-  because of the climate’s urgent reality.  It was about King Charles – being told, by that apparently mindless flibbertigibbet Liz Truss,  not to attend the COP 27.  And he obeyed . Isn’t that just symptomatic of the whole damn problem?  We’re all supposed to be ‘nice’ don’t rock the established boat –   even though the bloody boat is on fire!.


War Powers Reform: those in favour say aye … or maybe “no comment”. Who are the war criminalsTaiwan “is not a vital Australian interest — we do not recognise it as a sovereign state”. 

Nukes Corp swings into action. 

Matt Canavan and 8 Coalition Senators aim to overturn Australia’s ban on nuclear power. ‘Radiation risk’: Nuclear threat discovered off the WA coast. 

Energy Resources of Australia’s chairman, two directors, say they’ll resign after pressure from Rio Tinto and traditional owners.


Here comes the catastrophocene

“End War in Ukraine” Say 66 Nations at UN General Assembly.

What are tactical nuclear weapons? An international security expert explains and assesses what they mean for the war in Ukraine.

US, UK sabotaged peace deal because they ‘don’t care about Ukraine’: fmr. NATO adviser.

 These ‘nuclear bros’ say they know how to solve climate change.


RUSSIA. Kremlin steps back from call to use nuclear weapons. Russia open to in-person talks with U.S. on nuclear arms treaty. Russia’s oil and gas sanctioned, – but its profitable nuclear trade allowed to roll on!

October 4, 2022 - Posted by | Christina reviews

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