
Australian news, and some related international items

UK High Court rules that Julian Assange can appeal against extradition to USA.

The Conversation, Erin Cooper-Douglas, Deputy Politics + Society Editor 21 May 24

Late last night, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange had a win in the UK High Court: he can now appeal his extradition order to the United States

Legal efforts to keep Assange from being sent to the US, where he potentially faces a 175-year jail term for publishing sensitive government documents, have been some of the most protracted in recent memory. Just getting complete permission to appeal took three highly publicised hearings.

As Holly Cullen explains, one of the key grounds for appeal is freedom of expression. And that’s what makes yesterday’s decision, and the appeal that will now follow, legally groundbreaking. Never before has a UK court, nor the European Court of Human Rights, decided whether a potential violation of freedom of expression can stop someone from being extradited.

While the decision will please Assange’s team and his many supporters, the extradition threat still looms. If the appeal, which is likely to be held later this year, is unsuccessful, he could still find himself in the US.

May 20, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Counteracting the spin of the military-industrial-nuclear-complex this week

Some bits of good news.    
Instead of Taking Millions for Their Land, Texas Family Makes a Park Instead

Beavers Are Back in London — and They’re Thriving.   Moroccan Farmers Are Banking Traditional Seeds for a Hotter, Drier Future


TOP STORIES Julian Assange faces judgment day over US extradition. ‘Bring Julian home’: the Australian campaign to free Assange.

Noel’s notes.    A DISAPPOINTING NETFLIX SERIES – Turning Point -the bomb and the cold war. Netflix’s “Turning point.       The bomb and the cold war”- Episode 2 – Poisoning the Soil.     Dominic Cummings the “evil gnome” who makes us think.


AUSTRALIA. Nuclear subs are coming to Australia -Now the Coalition wants reactors, too-We’re not ready for it. Australia and the AUKUS nuclear waste-dump clause. Australia risks being ‘world’s nuclear waste dump’ unless Aukus laws changed, critics say. Nuclear waste from AUKUS nations could be on cards . 

Dutton’s nuclear would spike electricity bills when (if) they start in the 2040s. Going nuclear on power and wages may not be the election winner Peter Dutton thinks it is. Anthony Albanese accuses Coalition of hiding key details on nuclear policy. ‘Hugely expensive’ nuclear a ‘Trojan horse’ for coal, NSW Liberal says as energy policy rift exposed.  The 13 leading sites for a nuclear reactor in Australia – including a dam that supplies drinking water for a major city.

Australian war crimes whistleblower David McBride jailed for six years. David McBride goes to prison – and Australian democracy takes a hit

CLIMATE. Mycle Schneider: Nuclear power is not an option.CULTURE. Amidst genocide and war, anti-Zionism protesters are demonised as ‘extremists‘.

War Culture Hates the Ethical Passion of the Young.
ECONOMICS. Nuclear Weapons at Any Price? Congress Should Say No.
Nuclear power station risks hitting taxpayers with £20bn bill.

Pension funds need ‘compelling’ returns from UK nuclear projects to invest.
EDUCATION. UK nuclear lobby further infiltrates universities with government grants for nuclear fusion.EMPLOYMENT Warning that Dounreay could be facing ‘prolonged’ industrial action over pay dispute.ENERGY. Tech firms claim nuclear will solve AI’s power needs – they’re wrong.

Think before you click – and three other ways to reduce your digital carbon footprint.
HEALTH. Radiation. New Brunswick’s nuclear reactor emits high levels of radioactivity, increasing cancer risk.MEDIANuclear War Will Only Kill People Already Impacted By Nuclear Weapons. That’s Everyone. to NUCLEAR Protest. RAF Lakenheath protest to make airbase nuclear-free zone.

Together Against Sizewell C vows to continue fight after legal challenge rejected by Supreme Court – as the nuclear plant welcomes the news.

Indonesia civil society groups raise concerns over proposed Borneo nuclear reactor.

PERSONAL STORY. The plutonium connection: Why I no longer conduct my research at the University of New Brunswick.

Ontario’s nuclear option is the wrong path to meet green energy targets.

Sen. Lindsey Graham suggests nuking Gaza, says nuking Hiroshima was ‘the right decision’.

UK plans new nuclear plant in Scotland despite Scottish government opposition. UK government about to overrule Scotland and impose nuclear stationsUK government planning nuclear site in Scotland – Jack. Scotland’s First Minister Swinney condemns Jack’s menacing idea for nuclear plant in Scotland . We’re all right Jack: No need for nuclear in Scotland. The last thing that Scotland needs is new nuclear power, small or otherwise. LABOUR MUST RULE OUT NEW NUCLEAR REACTOR FOR SCOTLAND.

Top Labour donor joins campaign to stop Hinkley nuclear plant.
Nuclear Free Local Authorities welcome commitment to recruit new Theddlethorpe GDF Community Partnership Chair at less cost who is local.
Welsh Nuclear Free Local Authorities welcome  Traws abandonment from New Nuclear plans.
US Says It Won’t Let Iran Build Nuclear Bomb.
Dominic Cummings: Zelensky’s no Churchill and Ukraine’s corrupt.

Xi outlines solution to Ukraine conflict.

US bans China crypto-miner from nuclear base area.

China urges US, UK and Australia to stop AUKUS nuclear submarine deal: FM spokesperson.

China and Russia Disagree on North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons.
PLUTONIUM ALL reactor-produced plutonium is usable in nuclear weapons.SAFETY. Greenpeace Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) condemn Russian government plans to restart nuclear reactors at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. Military activities near Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP).

SPACE. EXPLORATION, WEAPONS. New report to Congress shows US determined to militarize space
SPINBUSTER. “Bouncing-back” and other resilience neologisms championed by the state are inherently at odds with the irreversibility of nuclear waste.  

Promising the Impossible: Blinken’s Out of Tune Performance in Kyiv.
TECHNOLOGY. EU rebuffs UK attempt to continue collaborating on nuclear fusion experiment -ALSO AT

Renewable Energy company Neoen to build its biggest battery to shift energy to evening peak in nuclear-dominated Ontario.

Small Modular Nuclear Five Times The Price (letter).
Canada’s plutonium mishap in India was 50 years ago this week – is history repeating itself now?
URANIUM. Russian uranium ban reopens threat of uranium mining escalation in US.

Congress must stop Biden from fueling a Saudi nuclear bomb .
WASTES. Nuclear waste to be buried 650ft under the English countryside. ALSO AT

Japan starts 6th discharge of Fukushima nuclear-contaminated wastewater.
WAR and CONFLICT. 450,000 Palestinians flee Rafah as Israeli tanks move in. Israel ‘Has Gone to War Against the Entire Palestinian People‘: Sanders. The US a Direct Partner in the Israeli War.

Only ‘two countries’ would survive nuclear war after ‘5 billion die in 72 hours‘, says expert.

U.S. rejects China’s proposal to ban first use of nuclear weapons.

This is what nuclear war in 2024 would look like.

Christmas Island veterans receive nuclear testing medals
WEAPONS and WEAPONS SALES. The Arsenal of Genocide: the U.S. Weapons That Are Destroying Gaza. Biden Moves Forward Over $1 Billion in Weapons for Israel as Tanks Push Deeper Into Rafah.

Blinken to Zelensky: ‘Here’s another $2 billion to get thousands more Ukraine troops killed for nothing.

U.S. conducted first subcritical nuclear test since September 2021.
Fifty years after Canada’s plutonium mishap in India, is history repeating itself?.
G7 goal of nuclear-free world increasingly challenged.

May 20, 2024 Posted by | Christina reviews | Leave a comment

‘Bring Julian home’: the Australian campaign to free Assange

Assange’s supporters say what Wikileaks revealed about power and access to information is as relevant today as ever.

Aljazeera, By Lyndal Rowlands 19 May 2024

Melbourne, Australia – At home in Australia, Julian Assange’s family and friends are preparing for his possible extradition to the United States, ahead of what could be his final hearing in the United Kingdom on Monday.

Assange’s half-brother Gabriel Shipton, who spoke to Al Jazeera from Melbourne before flying to London, said he had already booked a flight to the US.

A filmmaker who worked on blockbusters like Mad Max before producing a documentary on his brother, Shipton has travelled the world advocating for Assange’s release, from Mexico City to London and Washington, DC.

Earlier this year, he was a guest of cross-bench supporters of Assange at US President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address.

The invitation reflected interest in his brother’s case both in Washington, DC and back home in Australia. Biden told journalists last month he was “considering” a request from Australia to drop the US prosecution.

Assange rose to prominence with the launch of Wikileaks in 2006, creating an online whistleblower platform for people to submit classified material such as documents and videos anonymously. Footage of a US Apache helicopter attack in Baghdad, which killed a dozen people, including two journalists, raised the platform’s profile, while the 2010 release of thousands of classified US documents on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as a trove of diplomatic cables, cemented its reputation.

Shipton told Al Jazeera the recent attention from Washington, DC had been notable, even as his brother’s options to fight extradition in the UK appeared close to running out.

“To get attention there on a case of a single person is very significant, particularly after Julian’s been fighting this extradition for five years,” Shipton told Al Jazeera, adding that he hoped the Australian prime minister was following up with Biden.

We’re always trying to encourage the Australian government to do more.”

A test for US democracy

Assange’s possible extradition to the US could see freedom of expression thrown into the spotlight during an election year that has already seen mass arrests at student antiwar protests.

Shipton told Al Jazeera the pro-Palestinian protests had helped bring “freedom of speech, freedom to assembly, particularly in the United States, front of mind again”, issues he notes have parallels with his brother’s story.

While Wikileaks published material about many countries, it was the administration of former US President Donald Trump that charged Assange in 2019 with 17 counts of violating the Espionage Act.

US lawyers argue Assange is guilty of conspiring with Chelsea Manning, a former army intelligence analyst, who spent seven years in prison for leaking material to WikiLeaks before former US President Barack Obama commuted her sentence.

“It’s an invaluable resource that remains utterly essential to understand how power works, not just US power, but global power,” Antony Loewenstein, an independent Australian journalist and author, said of the Wikileaks archive.

“I always quote and detail [Wikileaks’s] work on a range of issues from the drug war, to Israel/Palestine, to the US war on terror, to Afghanistan,” Loewenstein said, noting that Wikileaks also published materials on Bashar al-Assad’s Syria and Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

“It’s just an incredible historical resource,” he said.

Loewenstein’s most recent book, the Palestine Laboratory, explores Israel’s role in spreading mass surveillance around the world, another issue Loewenstein notes, that Assange often spoke about.

“One thing that Julian has often said, and he’s correct, is that the internet is on the one hand an incredibly powerful information tool… but it’s also the biggest mass surveillance tool ever designed in history,” said Loewenstein……………………………………………. more

May 20, 2024 Posted by | civil liberties | , , , , | Leave a comment

Solar and wind generation will soon pass nuclear, hydro

Australia is a global pathfinder because, unlike in Europe, it cannot share electricity across national boundaries to reduce the effects of variable weather and demand. Australia must go it alone. Australia is convincingly demonstrating that change can happen quickly with good policies. Over the period 2020 to 2030, fossil generation is falling from 75% to 18%, while solar and wind generation is rising from 19% to 75%.

In a new monthly column for pv magazine, the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) explains how solar and wind are dominating power plant construction.

MAY 20, 2024 INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY (ISES) Authors: Prof. Ricardo Rüther (UFSC), Prof. Andrew Blakers /ANU

Our ISES pv magazine column in April showed that the fastest energy change in history is continuing. In 2023, solar and wind together constituted 80% of global net power capacity additions. Growth in power capacity is followed by growth in annual energy generation.

Over the past decade, global solar generation has grown ninefold to reach 1,500 TWh per year while wind generation has tripled to 2300 TWh per year (Figure 1 on original). This corresponds to compound growth rates of 22% and 11% per year respectively. In contrast, hydro, nuclear and coal generation had growth rates of about 1% per year, and gas 3%.

The solar growth rate of 22% per year is equivalent to doubling every 3 years. At this growth rate, solar generation will reach 100,000 TWh per year in 2042 which is enough to fully decarbonize the global economy.

Nuclear has a global average capacity factor of 74%, followed by coal (50% to 70%), combined cycle gas (40% to 60%), wind (30% to 60%), large hydro (30% to 50%), and solar photovoltaics (12% to 25%).

Despite its relatively low capacity factor, solar generation is tracking to surpass nuclear generation in 2026, wind in 2027, hydro in 2028, gas in 2030 and coal in 2032.

Solar and wind are strongly dominating powerplant construction, whereas construction of all other generation technologies is both small and stagnant. Coal, gas and nuclear could be mostly gone by mid-century once retirements outpace new construction.

The leading countries for per capita solar and wind generation are all in Europe, except Australia (Figure 2 on original). Also shown in Figure 2 is global per capita generation from hydro and nuclear. Combined generation from solar and wind in the leading countries is now fourfold larger than the global average generation from hydro and nuclear combined.

Australia is a global pathfinder because, unlike in Europe, it cannot share electricity across national boundaries to reduce the effects of variable weather and demand. Australia must go it alone. Australia is convincingly demonstrating that change can happen quickly with good policies. Over the period 2020 to 2030, fossil generation is falling from 75% to 18%, while solar and wind generation is rising from 19% to 75%.

Brazil and Chile are middle income pathfinder countries, with about 81% and 60% respectively of electricity generation coming from hydro, wind and solar. Pathfinder countries are driven by a desire to reduce both electricity prices and emissions. There are few serious concerns about future grid stability because there will be sufficient investment in storage, transmission, and demand management.

May 20, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Christmas Island veterans receive nuclear testing medals

By Isaac Ashe & Steve Beech, BBC News, Derbyshire, 16 May 24

Derbyshire veterans who conducted nuclear tests for the British armed forces in the 1950s have been recognised at a ceremony.

Operation Grapple saw a series of British nuclear weapons tests carried out close to Christmas Island, in the Pacific Ocean, between 1957 and 1958.

The bomb tests assured British military power during the Cold War.

Four members of the armed forces who took part in the testing and one widow were presented with medals on Friday…………………………………………………………. more

May 20, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Nuclear more than 6 times the cost of renewables – report

20 May 2024,

An independent report by consulting and engineering firm Egis and commissioned by the Clean Energy Council has confirmed that nuclear is the most expensive form of new energy in Australia.

The review analysed the CSIRO and Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)’s GenCost report against the Lazard Review and the Mineral Council of Australia (MCA)’s research into Small Modular Nuclear Reactors.

The report found that nuclear energy is up to six times more expensive than renewable energy and even on the most favourable reading for nuclear, and that renewables remained the cheapest form of new-build electricity.

Nuclear may be even higher cost than forecast as waste management and decommissioning of nuclear plants had been omitted in cost calculations.

The report also found:

  • The safe operation of nuclear power requires strong nuclear safety regulations and enforcement agencies, none of which exist in Australia
  • And the economic viability of nuclear energy will further diminish as more wind, solar and battery storage enters the grid.

“Put simply, nuclear plants are too heavy and too slow to compete with renewables and can’t survive on their own in Australian energy markets.”

Clean Energy Council Chief Executive Kane Thornton, said households would need to pay a hefty price to subsidise nuclear reactors.

Thornton said: “Taxpayers also need to understand the costs that will be borne if they are forced to foot the bill for building a nuclear industry from scratch over a period of decades.

“Nuclear power is also a poor fit with our increasingly renewable power system.

“Nuclear power stations are expensive and have to run constantly in order to break even – but that doesn’t work in a world with an abundance of cheap renewables.”

The Egis report also found the MCA’s research on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) did not anticipate the current long delay in SMR projects around the world.

May 20, 2024 Posted by | business | , , , , | Leave a comment

Going nuclear on power and wages may not be the election winner Peter Dutton thinks it is

Guardian, Paul Karp, 20 May 24

Opposition leader has laid fertile ground for progressive attack ads to grow in policy-lite budget reply

Peter Dutton’s budget reply sets the Coalition up for an election campaign focused on migration and law and order. At least, that’s the election he wants because it’s one he thinks he could win.

But Dutton’s policy-lite speech contains the seeds of campaigns that will inevitably be deployed by the progressive side of politics: on nuclear and wages.

The nuclear debate has been a train wreck in slow motion for months now.

So many front page stories in the Australian promised the policy before the budget with such juicy details as the type of technology, the number of reactors, their putative location.

Then, a deferral. All in good time.

In Thursday’s speech, Dutton made the case that nuclear is popular. Bob Hawke supported it, so does John Howard, the Australian Workers Union and “65% of Australians aged 18 to 34 years of age”.

One couldn’t help but wonder: if it’s so popular, why not make it the centrepiece of the speech and actually announce the policy?

Perhaps because it’s so expensive that it completely fails the Coalition’s new test for Future Made in Australia projects – that they must be commercially viable without taxpayer support. Perhaps because the friendlier-sounding small modular reactors are not commercially available.

Or perhaps because it is not, in fact, that popular.

Labor are increasingly cocky that the nuclear thought-bubble is an exploding cigar for the opposition. On Thursday the energy minister, Chris Bowen, gleefully cited choice anonymous quotes from Coalition backbenchers in question time that the policy is “madness on steroids” and within the ranks there is “a sudden sense of bewilderment” about the idea.

A few months ago I wrote a slightly trolling column about the possibility of a plebiscite on nuclear power to accompany the next election. Labor see Dutton doing everything in his power to turn the next election into a straw poll on his big bad idea anyway.

The attack ads write themselves. I can see the bunting wrapped around schools on election day already, with nuclear cooling towers, yellowcake, plutonium rods and Dutton’s face.

In his post budget reply press conference the education minister, Jason Clare, said simply: “If he won’t tell you where he’s going to put all the nuclear reactors, why would you vote for him?”

This is the obvious scare campaign. Let’s also look at the slower burn issue: wages.

An easy win – but not for him

In his speech Dutton promised to “remove the complexity and hostility of Labor’s industrial relations agenda, which is putting unreasonable burdens on businesses”…………………

It’s absolutely fine for Dutton to create some policy differentiation with Labor, but if he doesn’t set out chapter and verse what’s in and what’s out, the unions will paint him as against all of it………………………………………………………………

The minor themes of the speech have the greatest potential to develop into major problems for him

The president of the ACTU, Michele O’Neil, said: “Dutton committed to getting rid of the workplace laws that are finally seeing real wages grow, after 10 years of wage stagnation by the last Coalition government.”

​Dutton “told workers that if he is elected, he will again commit the Coalition to running an economy based on low wages” and “turn secure jobs into casual jobs”.

May 20, 2024 Posted by | politics | , , , , | Leave a comment