
Australian news, and some related international items

TODAY. The insanity of DEFENSE: with climate change, Defense becomes our real enemy

Up until now, a few publications have warned about the dangers of climate change to nuclear facilities, and how they need protection from wildfires, floods etc.

But now, at last, a bit of attention is being paid to the danger of nuclear facilities, to all of us, in this rapidly heating world.

I shudder to think of the risks that hang over Russians – because of the perpetual super-secrecy and censorship that pervades Russia, regarding nuclear and associated serious issues. We know that there is huge cover-up in the USA and other Western nuclear nations, but covering-up is probably a hundred times worse in Russia.

The global nuclear industry is geared to weaponry. That is the sole real reason for its existence. Armaments are, of course, an extremely lucrative industry – so greed adds to the motivation. And of course, that holy cow of Western culture – JOBS JOBS JOBS. (never mind if those jobs are or are not of any real value to society)

2024 looks like producing a sizzling summer in the North of this planet.:  

New York City is forecast to see double the number of 90-degree days compared to last summer. People in Boston could experience four times as many 90-degree days this summer, compared to the five days reported last summer.   Philadelphia, Chicago, and Washington D.C. are also forecast to experience more 90-degree days this summer, compared to last year and the historical average.

The thing is: people are at risk from radioactive releases as nuclear facilities – as nuclear waste pools, nuclear weapons sites producing plutonium – can be impacted by wildfires, floods.

With global heating – these places pose an increasing danger to humanity (and other species) -Texas’ Pantex Plant and its plutonium pits, New Mexico’s Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory, Washinton’s plutonium-contaminated Hanford nuclear site.

While Russia has dumped much of its nuclear waste into the sea. On land the Mayak, and Lake Karachay in the Southern Urals is the most plutonium  polluted (open-air) place on Earth from a radiological point of view, and is predicted to have extreme heat waves in 2024.

Canada’s nuclear wastes are at Manitoba and Chalk River Laboratories in Ontario, and at nuclear reactors at Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick – Ontario 66 wildfires in 2023.

So – while the world’s national macho men – and their military-industrial-nuclear-media complex are drumming up fear of attack from each other – the real danger is their foolish but lucrative “defense” industries.

This is insanity.

Sanity would be getting together, talking about our mutual danger problem, and working out ways to co-operate on making these sites safe, and on not producing any more radioactive trash.

May 23, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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