
Australian news, and some related international items

Nuclear news this week – (miles too long)

Some bits of good news.  Why tackling biodiversity loss could solve the climate crisis.     A believed-extinct butterfly flitted back to the Scottish hills

TOP STORIESChris Hedges: Craig Murray on the ‘Slow Motion Execution’ of Assange

Nuclear submarines challenge trains 10 year old children for war. The Discharge of Fukushima’s Radioactive Water could be a Precedent for Similar Actions. 

Hyping Ukraine Counteroffensive, US Press Chose Propaganda Over Journalism. 

What is the Digital Prison?

Climate. Global stocktake UN urges radical changes in climate policy plans at Cop28. Fossil fuel industries have captured global UN negotiations on climate change. Antarctic sea-ice at ‘mind-blowing’ low alarms experts.

Christina notes. Blatant hypocrisy and lies from Rafael Grossi and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Digital confusion.


ART and CULTURE. Nuclear Free Local Authorities back councillor’s call to preserve bunker as museum to folly of nuclear war.

CLIMATE. Don’t underestimate ravages of climate crisis when storing nuclear waste. Kings Bay nuclear submarine hub dodged a bullet named Hurricane Idalia.

ECONOMICS. A new French fairy tale: “Cheap” nuclear electricity in France is not what it appears. Marketing. Top candidate for head of European Investment Bank cautions about defense, nuclear investments. USA can’t get investors for Small Nuclear Reactors: no problem – flog them off to Ghana!       ‘War Is Good for Business,’ Declares Executive at London’s Global Arms Fair.

EMPLOYMENT1000 Sellafield Ltd. contractors to be balloted for strike by Unite.

ENERGY. Ukraine plans up to 1GW wind farm in Chernobyl nuclear disaster zone. Endless energy use needed for endless data storage – so, small nuclear reactors for Sweden. Windfarm bid withdrawn after Ministry of Defence raises nuclear testing station concerns. Solar energy boost for France. Renewables boost in Germany: turning the corner after a bad year?

ENVIRONMENT. Earth ‘well outside safe operating space for humanity’, scientists find. Radioactive discharge from Fukushima nuclear plant raising concerns on California coast.

ETHICS and Religion If The US Really Was What It Pretends To Be. “A world free from nuclear weapons is possible”. The US Air Force Is Clearing Out Jungles In The Pacific To Prepare For War With China.


INDIGENOUS ISSUES. British activists join Nuclear Free Local Authorities in supporting Swedish Sami against uranium mining. Uranium Mining Protections Needed Across the West. Forced removal of Chagos islanders gave the US a nuclear base and the UK a deal on nuclear weapons.

LEGAL. French nuclear cartel fined €31m. Small island nations take high-emitting countries to court to protect the ocean.

MEDIA. Fukushima’s nuclear waste: Stigmatising Russia, approving Japan.

NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY. Small modular nuclear reactors for Ukraine (safe?)

OPPOSITION to NUCLEAR Peace boat’s message is clear: Golden Rule mission urges support for nuclear ban treaty. Activists want California nuclear reactor closed over safety concerns



PUBLIC OPINION. A push-back against Western influence is reportedly prompting countries to reject the pro-Ukraine agenda.

RELIGIONKiev orders closure of Christian churches



SPACE. EXPLORATION, WEAPONS. Pentagon’s new plan to counter China includes swarms of smart satellites. 7 October – 14 October KEEP SPACE FOR PEACE WEEK.

SPINBUSTER. Blinken: US Does Not Oppose Ukrainian Attacks Inside Russia With US-Supplied Missiles.

WASTES. Decommissioning. September 14, 2023: Dounreay decommissioning end date that proved to be unachievable.

WAR and CONFLICT. NATO’s Steadfast Defender Drills Near Russia Signal Bloc’s Shift to ‘War Footing’, Pentagon blames Russian e-warfare for failed Ukraine counteroffensive.


WOMEN. Women with medical education to be banned from leaving Ukraine and forced to sign up for military service – Kyiv Post.

September 18, 2023 Posted by | Christina reviews | Leave a comment

The normalisation of nuclear power and militarism in our schools

  Solidarity Brakfast  (transcript of podcast)

Saturday, 9 September 2023 – 7:30am to 9:00am

Annie interviews Sanne de Swart from ACE Nuclear-Free Collective (Friends of the Earth Melbourne)  on the normalisation of nuclear power and militarism in our schools.

The issue of normalising nuclear weapons and nuclear power has become a hot topic.  STEM competitions financed by weapons companies supported by the Ministry of Defence. 

Sanne de Swart.  Normalisation of nuclear promotion under the guise of STEM  education. Nuclear propulsion submarine challenge is directed at primary school students.   Very young kids groomed to take part in military preparation. Teachers approached FOE with their concernsVictorian teachers unions are resisting this, and the matter has been taken up by Australian teachers union. AEU federal executive has condemned the programme.Education department guidelines are not to accept sponsorships from tobacco companies. and weapons companies. The STEM hub is working together with Dept of Defence and with BAE weapons manufacturer to promote this nuclear submarine technology.. BAE has been taken to the UN over human rights issues. BAE has pecuniary interest in this promotion.

Vic Education Dept is in breach of their own policy by promoting this actively on their website.  Use of financial support from large weapons companies in our schools is against Victorian education Dept policy, probably also the policy in NSW. and SA. STEM education – impression given that STEM has only relevance to fighting machines..

Sanne  –  But really the STEM hub – we will need the brightest minds for the transition to a greener, more liveable society, need engineering and science and technology. This programme is taking away from that need, and directing education towards militarism and war efforts.It also fails to acknowledge from a nuclear perspective the devastating history around nuclear, that Australia has, starting from the British nuclear bomb tests 70 years ago , through to uranium mining and trying to impose radioactive waste dumps on Aboriginal land, all of which disproportionately  affects First Nations people.

The Victorian Education Department is very actively promoting the nuclear submarine project The whole government, with AUKUS deal, is preparing for war, and being quite straightforward about that. Probably the Ed Dept is working with the Defence Dept on the same pathTeachers are concerned that this happening in their classrooms. That it is so explicit. Even BAE Systems is saying they want to create an extraordinary workforce. ADF Careers are talking about the pipeline of recruits that they need. Real concerns from teachers that this will be taught in their classrooms, and that the military agenda will be perpetuated for children – which is irresponsible and unethical, because children under 18  – it is all about positive brand association, they cannot make those decisions, as adults can, they are being groomed from a very young age.

Primary school programmes.

There is a LEGO challenge that is ongoing –   also run by weapons companies The weapons companies come in, and promote what they do as something exciting and innovative. There’s a programme called Beacon – it is targeted at years 4 to 6 students. It is funded by BAE Systems – it is less explicit – focussed towards AUKUS, but it’s focussed  at lower socioeconomic  areas and schools,. That makes it hard for schools to say “No” to them, because those come as well-resourced projects. It is quite insidious in the way that it is targeted at young children, to have that positive brand association with military and weapons companies.I think that this is happening in other countries as well.  Teachers in Britainhave been working on this, tooFOE  has a few calls for action, for teachers to become aware of this. Also parents are encouraged to take this up , FOE is contacting the government on the issue.There is a lack of alternative programmes for STEM education

September 14, 2023 Posted by | Education | Leave a comment